Welcome to Couches Counselling

Embrace Your Unique Journey

Embark on a transformative journey by taking the courageous first step towards self-discovery and empowerment. Uncover the layers of who you truly are, free from societal expectations and external influences. Seize the reins of your own destiny and embrace the power to design the life you deserve. It's time to take control, stand tall, and navigate your path with confidence and purpose. Embrace the journey of self-realization and unleash the untapped potential within you. The choice is yours - to let life happen or to make life happen. Take that first step, own your story, and reclaim your narrative. It's time to take charge and live life on your own terms.

As a Christian and a therapist it is my great pleasure to help you apply the teachings of Christ into your life and to walk in fellowship with our Creator. Jesus said “ I came to give you life and life abundantly”. This is my hope for you, an abundant life!

Welcome to the Crabby Couch philosophy

At Crabby Couch, the philosophy is simple: live your own damn life. I believe in letting go of the weight of others' opinions and expectations, and instead, taking bold steps towards embracing who you are created to be.

Being crabby, in view, means being unapologetically authentic and owning your quirks and imperfections. It's about finding empowerment in being true to who you are created to be. So, why not take that leap today and start living an abundant life, the crabby way?

Get in Touch

Let us know what's eating at you and what you can expect when reaching out. And hey, pick your preferred method of sharing, after all, it's your damn story.